Clinical Pilates
Clinical Pilates at Forward Health are small group classes (2-4 people) guided by a physiotherapist. These classes utilise high end equipment (reformers, wundachairs and spring boards) and are personalised to meet individual goals. For patients with difficulties getting up and down from the ground or kneeling, this class is also a great option.

A Pilates Prescreen Assessment with a Physiotherapist is required before all Clinical Pilates classes. This assessment will involve range of motion, strength and balance testing as well as an introduction to the equipment. Health fund claiming is available for classes. For more information, call 0420 522 558.

Clinical Pilates
Clinical Pilates at forward health are small group
classes (2-4 people) guided by a physiotherapist.
These classes utilise high end equipment (reformers,
wundachairs and spring boards) and are personalised
to meet individual goals. For patients with difficulties
getting up and down from the ground or kneeling, this class is also a great option.

A Pilates Prescreen Assessment with a Physiotherapist is required before all Clinical Pilates classes. This assessment will involve range of motion, strength and balance testing as well as an introduction to the equipment. Health fund claiming is available for classes. For more information, call 0420 522 558.